Category Archives: Articles

Faithful Promptings Articles

Finding Hope in Difficult Times

Finding Hope in Difficult Times Life often feels like a roller coaster, doesn’t it? One moment we are on top of the world, and the next, we’re spiralling downward, unsure how to regain our footing. In these moments, it can be incredibly comforting to turn to Scripture for guidance and reassurance, where we can be reminded that “We… Read More »

I’ve Got Joy

I Have Got Joy Have you ever wondered about the secret to finding joy in everyday life? I believe that joy isn’t something reserved for special occasions or extraordinary achievements. It’s a beautiful gift that can be discovered in the most ordinary moments, waiting to be embraced. Let’s take a moment to look at ways in which we… Read More »

The Pursuit of Intimacy

The Pursuit of Intimacy: Seeking God’s Heart for Healthy Relationships Joyce Meyer once said, “Intimacy with God is that I can come into His presence and hear His voice.” This profound statement encapsulates the essence of a healthy Christian relationship, one that is deeply rooted in the pursuit of God’s heart. The key to this pursuit is intimacy,… Read More »

From Frailty to Fortitude

From Frailty to Fortitude Have you ever felt like you’ve reached the end of your rope? Maybe you’ve had days where your body is weary and your spirit feels crushed under the weight of life’s challenges. It’s in these moments of deep vulnerability that Psalm 73:26 can be a wellspring of comfort and strength. The psalmist David writes,… Read More »

Fruit of the Spirit – Self-Control

Fruit of the Spirit – Self-Control Self-control is the last segment of the fruit of the spirit which is mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23. Self-control is the ability to resist temptation and to exercise restraint over our thoughts, words, emotions and actions. Can this noble virtue be cultivated in each of us? Oh yes! We all can develop self-control… Read More »

Fruit of the Spirit – Gentleness

Fruit of the Spirit – Gentleness Did you know that gentleness is not weakness, but it is rather a fruit of the spirit that demonstrates strength of character? Yes, I know that in our world, many would believe that being gentle means being passive or powerless. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, gentleness is… Read More »

Fruit of the Spirit – Faithfulness

Fruit of the Spirit – Faithfulness One of the most outstanding qualities of God is that He is faithful. God is loyal, reliable, and dependable and we can always trust His promises. “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” – Lamentations… Read More »

Fruit of the Spirit – Goodness

Fruit of the Spirit – Goodness So often we use the word “good” in our everyday conversations – in our greetings, in our compliments, in our commendations. Goodness is one of the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23. It’s a character trait that we strive to develop in our lives as Christians. But what… Read More »

Fruit of the Spirit – Kindness

Fruit of the Spirit – Kindness Kindness is a fruit of the spirit which is such an attractive quality to possess. Can you imagine our world if we all were to exercise kindness towards each other? A world where we are intentional in being friendly, generous, and compassionate towards each other? When we are kind, we show the… Read More »

Fruit of the Spirit – Forbearance

Fruit of the Spirit – Forbearance Are you bearing the fruit of forbearance? God wants to produce the fruit of forbearance in each of us so that we develop an attitude of patient endurance. This forbearance will equip us with the ability to withstand suffering and opposition, while also demonstrating a gentle attitude towards others who are weak.… Read More »