Category Archives: Articles

Faithful Promptings Articles

Fruit of the Spirit – Peace

Fruit of the Spirit – Peace Have you ever experienced the sweet, wonderful peace of God? I’m talking about that aspect of the fruit of the spirit, where the Holy Spirit works in your life, to produce that sweet serenity. God wants to grant each of us this constant quietness and tranquility, regardless of our circumstances. “And the… Read More »

Fruit of the Spirit – Joy

Fruit of the Spirit – Joy There is always a desire in our world where everyone yearns to be happy. This happiness can come because of financial stability, enjoying the company of family and friends, taking a well needed vacation, achieving academic success… and the list goes on. This happiness, however, fades whenever there are challenging situations. Happiness… Read More »

Fruit of the Spirit – Love

Fruit of the Spirit – Love Love is the first fruit that is mentioned among the many segments of the fruit of the spirit passages. Love is an action and a willful choice that should be demonstrated in our lives when we come in contact with God. “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is… Read More »

Fruit of the Spirit

Fruit of the Spirit Did you know that you can bear the fruit of the Spirit in all seasons, as long as you stay in connection to God? Oh yes, allow me to share with you how you can achieve this but first, let’s start by looking at what exactly is the fruit of the Spirit. “But the… Read More »